Barbarian - Spiritual Powers
Barbarians are primarily fighters and therefore their spiritual powers chiefly concern enhancing their combat prowess. Barbarians also get access to Chosen Weapon (starting at 8th level). Barbarians also are granted an assortment of spell-like abilities based on their character class.
A Barbarian's spiritual powers are keyed to Faith (as opposed to Body-Mind-Spirit) and invoking a spiritual power consumes spiritual points (as opposed to BMS). That said, Barbarians with a high Faith attribute also gain access to a few spell-like powers (which don't consume SP or BMS). All of the bonuses are cumulative. Thus, if a Barbarian has a Faith of 16, he/she gets all of the bonuses for 16, 15, and 14.
This table is slightly modified from the printed (book) version: Bonuses are now cumulative, the table goes to 25, and the healing invocations are all now multiples of 1d4.
Faith Score | Granted Power |
14 | Barbarian can heal self for 1d4 points, once per day. |
15 | Barbarian can heal self for 2d4 points, once per day. |
16 | +1 bonus to Perception (continuous). |
17 | +1 to Save versus Spiritual Powers (continuous). |
18 | Barbarian can heal self for 3d4 points, once per day. |
19 | +2 bonus to Perception (continuous). |
20 | Barbarian can heal self for 4d4 points, once per day. |
21 | Barbarian is entered into tribal folklore; remains as such for 4d10 generations. +2 to Save versus Spiritual Powers (continuous). |
22 | Barbarian can heal self for 5d4 points, once per day. |
23 | Barbarian becomes a permanent edition to tribal folklore. Life is extended by 4d20 years, and the Barbarian can command hit points to return to full once per day in an emergency. |
24 | +3 to Save Spiritual Powers and +3 to Perception (continuous). |
25 | If slain in battle, the character can rise up in ten rounds at half hit points and half spirit points (the rest heal normally over time). This power works only once per year. This power is only triggered by being killed in combat. |
Create Chosen Weapon
Certain character classes (Barbarian included) gain the ability to craft a personalized weapon of talismanic power. Such a weapon becomes automatically immune to rust and will not accumulate ordinary (cosmetic) damage. A Detect Magic (or similar spell) will indicate that a Chosen Weapon is a powerfully-charged item.
The ritual for creating a Chosen Weapon takes three hours. The weapon itself must be of excellent craftsmanship and have been constructed from the best available materials. These factors generally increase the base cost of the weapon by three-fold. The ritual also costs 45 Spirit Points. If the Barbarian does not have 45 Spirit Points (ie. his maximum daily reserve is 44 or less), a Shaman can assist in the ritual and add any shortage from his/her own reserve. In the latter event, the Barbarian will complete the ritual with zero Spirit Points remaining (and also be exhausted for one day). If the Barbarian fails in the Faith check, he/she must wait one week before another attempt can be made. However, the weapon is not destroyed by the spell's failure and can still be used as a mundane weapon until the ritual can be attempted again.
If a Chosen Weapon is somehow destroyed, the Barbarian must wait one year before making a new Chosen Weapon. Additionally, losing/breaking a Chosen Weapon is shaming to the Barbarian.
Changes from the printed (book) version: Shamans can fill in the Spirit Point deficit; the wait time for making a replacement weapon is now only one year; invoking "Call Upon Chosen Weapon" no longer has the possibility of destroying the weapon (Item Saves are no longer required); players can develop a "signature effect" in addition to the powers listed below.
Call Upon Chosen Weapon
Prayer: 1 round
Cost: 30 SP
Range: Touch (ie. the Barbarian's Chosen Weapon)
Duration: See table below
It should be noted that the powers listed below are "common" uses of Call Upon Chosen Weapon. Players are encouraged to develop a "signature effect" unique to their character's style. the Game Master can then approve or modify the effect as needed for game balance.
Call Upon Chosen Weapon - Desired Effect | Duration of Effect |
Boost Other Power (Barbarian can double effectiveness of some other spell that the Barbarian might invoke the next round) | The boosted power lasts twice as long as normal, has twice the range (or twice the area of effect), and inflicts twice as much damage (or heals twice as many hit points, as the case may be). |
+10 damage | 1 round |
+7 damage | 3 rounds |
+4 damage | 5 rounds |
+2 damage | 10 rounds |
Attack four times in one round | 1 round |
+5 initiative | 5 rounds |
+2 initiative | 10 rounds |
Attempt to shatter enemy's weapon: All damage in the next attack transfers to the enemy's weapon and does not transfer to the enemy. If the weapon is overloaded, it must make an Item Save versus Crushing Blow or be destroyed. | 1 round |
Ward Against Undead: The Barbarian's weapon glows with silver light. Undead of fewer Hit Dice than the Barbarian cannot approach closer than 10'. Those of same HD or higher must made a Save versus Area of Effect to approach. | 10 rounds |
Boost Barbarian's Endurance by 4 points. | 10 rounds |
Sigil of Faith
- Levels 1 to 4: Damage resistance is 1 point (HP/SP); +1 to Save versus Death Magic.
- Levels 5 to 9: Damage resistance 2 points (HP/SP); +2 to Save versus Death Magic.
- Levels 10 to 14: Damage resistance is 3 points (HP/SP); +2 to Save versus Death Magic.
- Levels 15 to 19: Damage resistance is 4 points (HP/SP); +2 to Save versus Death Magic.
- Levels 20 and higher: Damage resistance is 5 points (HP/SP); +3 to Save versus Death Magic.
Changes from the printed (book) version: Damage resistance is now much easier to calculate; the power scales to the Barbarian's level.
Sigil of Freedom

Changes from the printed (book) version: No token is required for this spell.
Sigil of Health
Sigil of Heightened Endurance
- Levels 1 to 4: Barbarian can sprint (2x base move) for 2 rounds per point of Endurance rating; 1.5X maximum carrying amount; can feel refreshed with 3/4 the normal amount of sleep; +1 on all Endurance checks.
- Levels 5 to 9: Barbarian can sprint (2x base move) for 2 turns per point of Endurance rating; 1.75X maximum carrying amount; can feel refreshed with 3/4 the normal amount of sleep; +2 on all Endurance checks.
- Levels 10 to 14: Barbarian can sprint (2x base move) for the entire duration of the spell; 2X maximum carrying amount; can feel refreshed with 1/2 normal of sleep. +3 on all Endurance checks.
- Levels 15 to 19: Barbarian can sprint (2x base move) for the entire duration of the spell; 2.25X maximum carrying amount; can feel refreshed with 1/3 normal of sleep. +4 on all Endurance checks.
- Levels 20 and higher: Barbarian can sprint (2x base move) for the entire duration of the spell; 2.5x maximum carrying amount; can feel refreshed with 1/4 normal of sleep. +5 on all Endurance checks.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell has been completely rewritten and replaces Sigil of Battle.
Sigil of Insight
- Levels 1 to 4: The recipient gains +3 to Perception or +1 to Willpower. The spell affects one person
- Levels 4 to 9: The recipient gains +4 to Perception or +2 to Willpower. The spell affects one person.
- Levels 10 to 14: The recipient gains +5 to Perception or +2 to Willpower. The spell affects two people.
- Levels 15 to 19: The recipient gains +6 to Perception or +2 to Willpower. The spell affects three people.
- Levels 20 and higher: The recipient gains +6 to Perception or +3 to Willpower. The spell affects four people.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell now boost secondary attributes (much more useful) instead of primary attributes. The spell lasts turns per level. The power scales to the Barbarian's level.
Sigil of Luring
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been completely rewritten.
Sigil of Life
Level | Healing | Antitoxin | Cure Disease | Death Magic | Radiation |
1 to 4 | 15 | int(1) | One | Converts | 20 |
5 to 9 | 30 | int(2) | One | Converts | 40 |
10 to 14 | 45 | int(3) | Two | Converts | 60 |
15 to 19 | 60 | int(4) | Two | Converts | 80 |
20 + | 75 | int (5) | Three | Converts | 100 |
Converts = Death magic is reduced to ordinary damage | |||||
Disease priority = Inflicted disease cured first, pre-existing diseases cured second |
Changes from the printed (book) version: healing is increased; cure disease is added; radiation negation added. The Sigil is now visible to the naked eye.
Sigil of Passion
Prayer: 7 segments
Spirit Cost: 16 points
Token Used: A mix of crushed flower petals and ashes
Range: Touch
Duration: One hour per level
Area of Effect: One person or creature
Classification: Mind
The purpose of this sigil is to call upon the Barbarian’s passion for life and use it to stir the fires within others – while life can be painful, it can also be beautiful. To invoke this power, the Barbarian must rub the dusty mix of flower petals and ashes across his chest while touching the intended target. When the Sigil is activated, the target is instilled with renewed passion for life, freedom, and accomplishment.
In terms of game mechanics, this spell grants a +1 to proficiency checks that are creative or restorative in nature. For instance, a blacksmith might gain a +1 in checks involving the fabrication of weapons and tools. An Apothecary might gain a +1 to Healing and Herbalism checks. A sculptor might get a +1 to Artistic ability.
This spell has a few interesting side effects. A person in the grip of suicidal depression might feel depressed, but the compulsion to actually kill one's self is held in abeyance (this effect may las longer if the Barbarian also has the Counseling skill). Moreover, this spell can be used to revitalize Constructs that are in danger of becoming ossified or Undead that are in danger of fading. The GM would decide how long and to what extent that benefit lasts.
Levels 1 to 4: The target gains a +1 to restorative/creative proficiencies.
Levels 1 to 4: The target gains a +2 to restorative/creative proficiencies.
Levels 1 to 4: The target gains a +3 to restorative/creative proficiencies.
Levels 1 to 4: The target gains a +4 to restorative/creative proficiencies.
Levels 1 to 4: The target gains a +5 to restorative/creative proficiencies.
Changes from the printed (book) version: this is a new spell.
Sigil of Rage
Sigil of Sure Footing
- Levels 1 to 4: Trap avoidance is 20%.
- Levels 5 to 9: Trap avoidance is 35%.
- Levels 10 to 14: Trap avoidance is 40%.
- Levels 15 to 19: Trap avoidance is 65%.
- Levels 20 and higher: Trap avoidance is 80%.

Sigil of Wind
The Barbarian can end this spell at any time by simply not paying the Endurance maintenance cost at the beginning of the new combat round. The Barbarian passes out if he runs his Endurance down to zero.
While this spell initially confers one extra attack routine at base level, the spell improves in potency as the Barbarian ascends in level.
Levels 1 to 4: One extra attack routine per round.
Levels 5 to 9: One extra attack routine per round. +1 AC (due to swiftness).
Levels 10 to 14: One extra attack routine per round; +2 AC; +2 Panic (due to single-minded combat fury)
Levels 15 to 19: One extra attack routine per round; +2 AC; +2 Panic; +2 System Shock (Barbarian is too focused to suffer the effects of shock).
Levels 20 and higher: One extra attack routine per round; +2 AC; +2 Panic; +2 System Shock; +10% empathic resistance (Barbarian is too focused on slaying to get mentally manipulated).
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell expends Endurance as well as Spiritual Points. However, the SP cost has been reduced. The spell scales to the Barbarian's level.

Things to Consider