Priest- Spiritual Powers - Tier 2
Gaianar is a world with many deities that grant a variety of powers to their faithful. The power list here assumes a good or neutral priest in service to a good or neutral deity. Those in service to harmful/evil deities may receive modified versions of the spells in this section. For an instance, an evil deity may not grant healing as potent as a good deity might, and an evil deity may grant the power to inflict diseases instead of curing them. It's strongly suggested that player-character Priests be good (or at least neutral) and no evil. Priests generally serve the community in healing, turning away the Undead, and offering comfort and counsel in times of crisis and loss. They welcome strangers, help the needy, befriend the friendless, and defend the defenseless. Priests often work in tandem with Protectors. While a Shaman and a Priest are both clergy, a Shaman is generally educated by a higher-level Shaman one-on-one or in small groups over an extended period of time. Priests, by contrast, receive formal, structured education through seminaries. Both may worship the same deity but are taught different things, and thus their spell lists differ greatly.
Quick Links: Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5 | Tier 6 | Tier 7
Bless Holy Water
- Levels 1 to 4: Damage is 3d4 / 2d4; Priest can bless one vial.
- Levels 5 to 9: Damage is 4d4 / 2d4; Priest can bless two vials.
- Levels 10 to 14: Damage is 5d4 / 3d4; Priest can bless three vials.
- Levels 15 to 19: Damage is 6d4 / 3d4; Cobalt radiance; Priest can bless four vials.
- Levels 20 or higher: Damage is 7d4 / 4d4; Cobalt radiance; Priest can bless five vials.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The power of this spell now scales to the level of the Priest.
Cure Disease
- Levels 1 to 4: Healing coma lasts 5 hours; cures food poisoning; stomach viruses; common cold; flu; cholera; and other ordinary inconvenient diseases.
- Levels 5 to 9: Healing coma lasts 4 hours; cures non-fatal magical illnesses that deplete secondary attributes; cures serious illnesses such as blood infection, dental abscess, bronchitis, etc.
- Levels 10 to 14: Healing coma lasts 3 hours; cures life-threatening illnesses such as kidney failure, congestive heart failure, diabetes, etc. Cures Undead Spiral and other diseases transmitted by members of the Undead.
- Levels 15 to 19: Healing coma lasts 2 hours; Cures fatal diseases.
- Levels 20 and up: Healing coma lasts 1 hour; cures fatal diseases and also removes 25% of the radiation burden from the recipient.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The level of healing scales in proportion with the Priest's level.
Cure Paralysis
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 12 points
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One person (can be the Priest)
Classification: Healing
For the Intrepid Adventurer, there are plenty of physical hazards that augment the usual threat of zombies and highwaymen. A less common (but very real) threat involves injuries that cause paralysis. Perhaps an adventurer has been shot in the back. Or perhaps a disease has caused paralysis (a spell that cures diseases may neutralize the contagion, but sometimes the damage remains). And sometimes an adventurer just has bad luck, such as having a near-fatal fall from a horse or a rooftop. Regardless, the Priest can call upon divine power to grant healing to someone robbed of mobility.
The spell does not provide instant relief, but instead causes slow, incremental regeneration over a period of several weeks. Physical sensation returns first, then crude movement, then fine motor control. Physical strength returns last. The period of recovery shortens as the Priest advances in level.
· Levels 1 to 4: Full healing takes 5 weeks· Levels 5 to 9: Full healing takes 4 weeks· Levels 10 to 14: Full healing takes 3 weeks· Levels 15 to 19: Full healing takes 2 weeks· Levels 20 and higher: Full healing takes 1 week
Changes from the printed (book) version: This revised spell combines three spells from the old book. The spell scales with the Priest's level instead of relying on separate-Tier spells.
Fortify Door
- Levels 1 to 4: Warded portals have +1 AC, -10% penalty to pick locks, and 1 additional structural point.
- Levels 5 to 9: Warded portals have +2 AC, -20% penalty to pick locks, and 1 additional structural point.
- Levels 10 to 14: Warded portals have +3 to AC, -30% penalty to pick locks, and 2 additional points.
- Levels 15 to 19: Warded portals have +4 to AC, -40% penalty to pick locks, and 2 additional structural points.
- Levels 20 and higher: Warded portals have +5 to AC, -50% penalty to pick locks, and 3 additional structural points.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell has been rewritten to reinforce doors instead of destroying them.
Holy Whip
Prayer: 3 segments
Spirit Cost: 15 points
Range: Internal to the Priest
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: The conjured whip
Classification: Combat
Many (but not all) Priestly traditions forbid the use of edged weapons. Certainly, the seminaries dedicated to the True One and Saint Eldra teach their priestly students to not shed blood unless it is completely unavoidable. And even when it cannot be avoided, the weapons of choice are blunt or bludgeoning weapons. To that end, the Priest can call upon the powers of the Light to grant him/her temporary access to a spiritual whip for use in battle.
An entry-level Holy Whip inflicts 1d4 damage, has a whipping range of 5', has an initiative modifier of 1 (since it is a spiritual manifestation), and shimmers with a glow equivalent to a torch. It is shaped like a whip but will never be confused as an ordinary whip. Additionally, the whip allows the Priest to strike using Ranged Touch Attack instead of the Priest's ordinary BAtCh. Thus, the Priest is much more likely to successfully hit a target with this weapon than with his/her usual physical weapon.
The power of the Holy Whip increases as the Priest ascends in level.
- Levels 1 to 4: The whip inflicts 1d4 damage; 5' whipping range.
- Levels 5 to 9: The whip inflicts 2d4 damage; 6' whipping range.
- Levels 10 to 14: The whip inflicts 3d4 damage; 7' whipping range; manifests as a silver weapon if needed.
- Levels 15 to 19: The whip inflicts 4d4 damage; 8' whipping range; manifests as a silver or cobalt weapon if needed.
- Levels 20 or higher: The whip inflicts 5d4 damage; 10' whipping range; manifests as a silver or cobalt weapon as needed.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The power of the spell scales to the Priest's level. At higher levels, the spell can manifest a whip of silver or cobalt.
Peaceful Mind
- Levels 1 to 4: Recipient gains +2 to Panic.
- Levels 5 to 9: Recipient gains +4 to Panic.
- Levels 10 to 14: Recipient gains +6 to Panic.
- Levels 15 to 19: Recipient gains +8 to Panic.
- Levels 20 and higher: Recipient gains +10 to Panic.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The spell now lasts days per level and the power scales to the level of the Priest.
Prayer: 5 segments
Spirit Cost: 10 points
Range: 6// within range of target's hearing
Duration: 1 round per level
Area of Effect: One person
Classification: Charm or Mind
The power of the Light reveals secrets hidden in the darkness. And so it is that a Priest can challenge his foe by calling attention to his enemy's moral turpitude. When the Priest rebukes his foe, he/she becomes temporarily lost in introspection and contemplation. The net effect it that the target is in a waking (yet dreamlike) state that precludes all other actions. The target does, of course, have the possibility of avoiding this spiritual reverie by making a successful Save vs Sleep/Charm. Additionally, a dispel magic (or similar power) has the possibility of terminating this spell. Likewise, intervention by an empath could also awaken the target from his/her stupor.
This spell cannot be used as a “murder” spell. It the target is attacked in any way that inflicts damage; the spell ends immediately. While the Priest usually guesses as to the nature of his foe's moral inequity, it should be known that the spell lasts twice as long if the Priest guesses correctly. Likewise, the saving throw gets more difficult as the Priest ascends in level.
· Levels 1 to 4: Save vs Sleep/Charm is unmodified.
· Levels 5 to 9: Save vs Sleep/Charm is penalized at -2.
· Levels 10 to 14: Save vs Sleep/Charm is penalized at -4.
· Levels 15 to 19: Save vs Sleep/Charm is penalized at -6
· Levels 20 and higher: Save vs Sleep/Charm is penalized at -8.
Changes from the printed (book): This spell has been rewritten as a "stun' spell instead of a "damage" spell.
- Levels 1 to 4: Only the Priest is levitated.
- Levels 5 to 9: The Priest can levitate one additional companion.
- Levels 10 to 14: The Priest can levitate two additional companions.
- Levels 15 to 19: The Priest can levitate three additional companions.
- Levels 20 and higher: The Priest can levitate four additional companions.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell has been rewritten from scratch and replaces "Jacob's Ladder".
Watchful Sleep
- Levels 1 to 4: One person is affected; Perception check is unmodified.
- Levels 5 to 9: Two people can be affected; Perception check to awaken is +2.
- Levels 10 to 14: Three people can be affected; Perception check to awaken is +4; +2 hit points naturally healed.
- Levels 15 to 19: Four people can be affected; Perception check to awaken is +6; +3 hit points naturally healed.
- Levels 20 or higher: Five people can be affected; Perception check to awaken is +8; +4 hit points naturally healed.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell replaced "Master of Dreams" and has been rewritten to be a "sleep while on yellow alert" spell.

Things to Consider