Priest- Spiritual Powers - Tier 6
Gaianar is a world with many deities that grant a variety of powers to their faithful. The power list here assumes a good or neutral priest in service to a good or neutral deity. Those in service to harmful/evil deities may receive modified versions of the spells in this section. For an instance, an evil deity may not grant healing as potent as a good deity might, and an evil deity may grant the power to inflict diseases instead of curing them. It's strongly suggested that player-character Priests be good (or at least neutral) and no evil. Priests generally serve the community in healing, turning away the Undead, and offering comfort and counsel in times of crisis and loss. They welcome strangers, help the needy, befriend the friendless, and defend the defenseless. Priests often work in tandem with Protectors. While a Shaman and a Priest are both clergy, a Shaman is generally educated by a higher-level Shaman one-on-one or in small groups over an extended period of time. Priests, by contrast, receive formal, structured education through seminaries. Both may worship the same deity but are taught different things, and thus their spell lists differ greatly.
Quick Links: Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5 | Tier 6 | Tier 7
Destroy Undead
- Levels 1 to 4: Undead monsters take 1d8 damage.
- Levels 5 to 9: Undead monsters take 2d8 damage; +2 to turning; turns 3 extra creatures.
- Levels 10 to 14: Undead monsters take 3d8 damage; +4 to turning; turns 6 extra creatures.
- Levels 15 to 19: Undead monsters take 4d8 damage; +6 to turning; turns 9 extra creatures.
- Levels 20 and higher: Undead monsters take 5d8 damage; +8 to turning; turns 12 extra creatures.
Hand of Battle
Tier: 6
Throughout the ages, Priests have been the voice of calming and reason. However, sometimes diplomacy fails, and the Priest must instead aid his companions in combat. This spell conjures a glowing hand from the Plane of Radiance whose light both inspires and protects the Priest's allies.
The Hand has three gestures that the Priest can call upon. The gesture can be changed once per round as the needs of battle change. The effects are listed for base level:
- Warding gesture: Allies gain a +1 to AC, +1 Parry, and +1 to saving throws.
- Clenched Fist: Allies gain +1 to hit, +1 to damage, and +1// to missile range.
- Pointing gesture: +1// speed, +1 initiative, and +1 bonus to casting time.
Of course, the power of the Hand can be terminated early if it is successfully dispelled or if the summoning Priest is incapacitated/killed. Additionally, the bonus increases as the Priest ascends in level.
- Level 1 to 4: +1 on all gestural components; 30// radius.
- Level 5 to 9: +2 on all gestural components; 40// radius.
- Level 10 to 14: +3 on all gestural components; 50// radius.
- Level 15 to 19: +4 on all gestural components; 60// radius.
- Level 20 or higher: +5 on all gestural components; 70// radius.
Changes from the printed (book) version: A third gesture has been added; the power scales with the Priest's level.
Karmic Retribution
Tier: 6
Prayer: 6 segments
Spirit Cost: 55 points
Range: 6// range of sight and hearing
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One person
Classification: Benedictions (sort of!)
One of the things that law enforcement and clergy have in common is that members of both professions have a distinct interest in justice. While a constable would want a criminal to stand trial and go to jail, a clergy person is more interested in the salvation of the criminal’s soul. To that end, a Priest may occasionally call upon Karmic Retribution as a rather rough and harrowing teaching opportunity for an unrepentant criminal.
The manifestation of Karmic Retribution depends on the target’s primary sin. For example, the karmic punishment for a murderer may be to get targeted by an unknown sniper who randomly terrorizes the target with shots that come within an inch of striking. The curse may go on for days or weeks until the target’s resolve is broken, and he/she repents (often ultimately manifesting with a confession at the police station). For a mugger, the retribution may be that he/she is robbed at gunpoint at various times over a period of days or weeks. A con artist may find that the retribution is financial ruin. A domestic batterer may find himself on the losing end of fist fights initiated by strangers. Regardless, the punishment will always fit the crime and will never be deadly. The purpose of Karmic Retribution is to teach the soul and to encourage true repentance.
Generally speaking, the duration of the spell is open-ended until the target repents. However, the active manifestation does tend to occur at widening intervals as the spell begins to decay over a period of weeks and months.
There are a few ways to be rid of Karmic Retribution. The easiest way is for the target to repent. This action is more than just casually saying “I’m sorry”. True repentance involves making amends to the target’s victim. This means paying for medical bills (if the sin involves physical violence), the return/replacement of stolen money or property, and certainly publishing a public apology in the new scrolls. Likewise, if the sin has criminal consequences, repentance also involves confessing.
Another way to be rid of Karmic Retribution is to slay the Priest that cast this spell. Of course, this may compound the problem for obvious reasons. Moreover, if the Priest had an assigned Protector, the possibility of revenge for the Priest’s death is almost a mathematical certainty.
The third way to be rid of Karmic Retribution is by way of a spell that specifically removes curses. The chance of success is determined by the usual Willpower + Level vs. Willpower + Level.
Of course, Karmic Retribution has no effect if the target is actually innocent. Being wrongfully accused of a crime happens more often than one would think.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell replaces Wages of Sin.
Light Against the Darkness
- Level 1 to 4: Bonuses are +1; 20// radius.
- Levels 5 to 9: Bonuses are +2; 40// radius.
- Levels 10 to 14: Bonuses are +3; 60// radius; can cast a silver light.
- Levels 15 to 19: Bonuses are +4; 80// radius; can cast a silver or cobalt light.
- Levels 20 and higher: Bonuses are +5; 100// radius; can cast a silver or cobalt light.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The overall power level of this spell has been greatly increased so that it remains eligible for Tier-6 classification.
Medic Sanctuary
Tier: 6
Prayer: 5 rounds
Spirit Cost: 70 points
Range: 5// line of sight
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: One tent, 10’ wide, 30’ long, 10’ tall
Classification: Summoning and Healing
When it comes to natural disasters and large battles, Priests are often called upon for aid and healing. Likewise, sometimes simple logistics prevent the Priest from receiving critical supplies. For example, a key bridge may be flooded out or an expected cargo ship was taken by pirates. In such event, the Priest can still call upon divine providence for aid.
By invoking this spell, the Priest calls into being a temporary medic tent that is 10’ wide, 10’ tall, and 30’ long. It manifests complete with examination tables, medicines, surgical supplies, illumination, and various disposable medical items (gowns, masks, towels, gloves, gauze, needles, diapers, etc.) Moreover, the tent comes complete with bottled water and compressed food wafers (not much taste, but the recipients will not starve). At base level, the tent also manifests with three ascended souls of people who had been physicians in prior incarnations. They have no meaningful combat skills, but they do have four ranks in healing, herbalism, advanced medical, chemistry, biology, and ancient technology. The ascended physicians can care for up to four patients at once (for modest injuries) or one critically injured patient at once.
Part of the magic of this spell is its ability to increase the skills of anyone who already has healing, herbalism, advanced medical, chemistry, biology, or ancient technology. At base level, the bonus is +1 to all relevant skills (no skill can be increased above 4 ranks, however). Additionally, anyone simply brought into the tent will stop losing hit points (i.e., injuries are stabilized) until there is time to treat the patient. This is also true for injuries caused by disease, toxins, burns, or radiation poisoning.
The tent projects an aura silver or cobalt if needed (but not at the same time). The former repels Undead of fewer than 10HD whilst Undead of greater power must still make a successful Save vs Area Effect to enter the tent. Likewise, a cobalt radiance will repel incorporeal beings of less than 14 Willpower whilst more powerful spirits must make a successful Save versus Area Effect to gain entry.
It should be known that the equipment manifested by this spell is perfectly sufficient for a Necromancer to attempt to resurrect a dead ally. Priest and Necromancers often have an acrimonious relationship, but when it comes to saving lives, they do sometimes agree.
The power of this spell increases as the Priest ascends in level.
- Level 1 to 4: Four medics; +1 to medical-related skills; 10’x10’x30’ size (height x width x length).
- Level 5 to 9: five medics; +1 to medical-related skills; 10’x10’x40’ size.
- Level 10 to 14: Six medics; +2 to medical-related skills; 10x15’x40’ size.
- Level 15 to 19: Seven medics; +2 to medical-related skills; 10’x15’x50’ size.
- Level 20 and higher: Eight medics; +3 medical-related skills; 10’20’x50’ size.
If this spell is cast by an Undead priest, it will still summon a tent and several willing medics. However, the cobalt/silver illumination only projects outward and not inside the tent's perimeter. The medics are drawn from the Plane of Shadow and therefore are Undead. They will, however, have no problems with treating the injuries/illnesses of the living.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.
Part Water
Tier: 6
Prayer: 1 round
Spirit Cost: 75 points
Range: 5// line of sight
Duration: 1 turn per level
Area of Effect: A channel that is 3// wide, 30// long, and up to a mile high.
Classification: Elemental Water
One of the most powerful legends in many faith traditions involves prophets, ascended masters, or incarnate deities that manifested the power to part water so as to walk through lakes, seas, rivers, or flooded planes. If course, Gaianar is essentially a water world with only a handful of small continents. Therefore, command over bodies of water comes in handy for the adventuring Priest of Light.
By invoking this power, the Priest can part water in a lake, sea, stream, etc. so as to allow the Priest and his/her allies to hastily cross a watery obstruction. At base level, the water parts in a rectangular prism that is 3// wide, 30// long, and up to a mile high. This power comes in particularly handy for rescuing people in sinking ships or for conducting emergency repairs to boats/subs when drydock facilities are not available. When the power expires, the channel fills up from the bottom up rather than collapsing horizontally (thus greatly reducing the chance that the Priest and his/her allies will drown). At higher levels, the spell creates a larger channel and can part other liquids, such as gasoline or oil. The channel moves in accordance with the Priest’s will.
Of course, one clever use of the spell is in surviving tsunamis. If the Priest gets the timing right, he and his allies can stand in the channel when the tidal wave makes landfall, and the spell will part the water to the left and right.
The succession of power is as follows:
- Level 1 to 4: The channel is 3// wide, 30// long, and up to a mile high.
- Level 5 to 9: The channel is 4// wide, 40// long, and up to a mile high.
- Level 10 to 14: The channel is 5// wide, 50// long, and up to a mile high. It will also part liquids such as oil and gasoline.
- Level 15 to 19: The channel is 6// wide, 60// long, and up to a mile high. It will also part liquids such as oil, gasoline, chemical waste, and acids.
- Level 20 and higher: The channel is 7// wide, 70// long, and up to a mile high. It will also part liquids such as oil, gasoline, chemical waste, acids, lava/magma, liquid nitrogen, and radioactive sludge.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This spell now scales with the Priest’s level.
Sacred Sword
- Level 1 to 4: The Sword inflicts 1d8 damage and has a grappler range of 10//.
- Level 5 to 9: The Sword inflicts 2d8 damage and has a grappler range of 15//.
- Level 10 to 14: The Sword inflicts 3d8 damage and has a grappler range of 20//. The Sword can manifest as silver.
- Level 15 to 19: The Sword inflicts 4d8 damage and has a grappler range of 25//. The Sword can manifest as silver or cobalt.
- Level 20 and higher: The Sword inflicts 5d8 damage and has a grappler range of 30//. The Sword can manifest as silver or cobalt.
Changes from the printed (book) version: The power of the spell scales to the Priest's level. At higher levels, the spell can manifest a sword of silver or cobalt. At higher levels, the sword can assist the Priest in scaling cliffs and walls.
Spiritual Bulwark
Tier: 6
Prayer: 1 turn (dependent on accepted ritual)
Spirit Cost: 68 points
Range: Centered on the Priest
Duration: 1 day per level
Area of Effect: A traced perimeter of up to 400 linear feet
Classification: Benedictions or Protection
This spell is the logical extension of Sacred Space. While the former grants temporary protection against the Undead and malevolent spirits, Spiritual Bulwark offers more potent and lasting protection. To cast this spell, the Priest must first chant the appropriate prayers (according to his/her faith tradition) whilst walking the perimeter of the building to be protected. A building of any shape can be protected so long as the total perimeter is 400 linear feet or less.
An Undead Priest can cast this spell. However, the caster will take 1d8 damage from the energy backlash.
Like Sacred Space, the more potent Spiritual Bulwark increases in power as the Priest ascends in level.
Levels 1 to 4: The Bulwark can protect a 400’ perimeter. The ward repels Undead of up to 8 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(14).
Levels 5 to 9: The Bulwark can protect a 500’ perimeter. The ward repels Undead of up to 12 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(16).
Levels 10 to 14: The Bulwark can protect a 600’ perimeter. The ward repels Undead of up to 16 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(18).
Levels 15 to 19: The Bulwark can protect a 700’ perimeter. The ward repels Undead of up to 20 HD and evil spirits of up to Will(20).
Levels 20 or higher: The Bulwark can protect an 800’ perimeter. The ward repels Undead with HD equal to the Priest’s and evil spirits with Willpower equal to or less than the Priest’s level.
Changes from the printed (book) version: This is a new spell.

Things to Consider